
Sustainability for a Healthy World

As a global corporation, we’re well aware of the impact we can have on our world – not just in a business sense, but in an environmental capacity as well.

Eco Vision 2050

Eco Vision 2050 is Konica Minolta’s long-term environmental action plan to help us contribute to a sustainable planet.

Our Goals:
  • Reduce CO2 emissions throughout product life cycles by 80%
  • Promote recycling
  • Work to promote biodiversity

Sustainability Report | Charter of Corporate Behaviour | Facts & Figures | Global Sustainability Website

Konica Minolta’s Green Products Certification System is an original process for evaluating and certifying products with superior environmental performance


Konica Minolta has developed a technology that blends PET plastic with PC from water bottles to create a recycled material that can be used in the outer casing of MFPs. This is the first use of recycled materials for the outer casing of MFPs in the industry. We have also started producing toner bottles made from recycled HDPE plastics from recycled milk bottles.


Konica Minolta’s own Simitri toner is made with plant-based “biomass” materials. It contains smaller particles than ordinary toner which cuts toner consumption by 30+%.


Induction Heating (IH) Fixing technology only heats the roller’s surface rather than the entire roller. This reduces power consumption during the fixing process and results in shorter warm-up times. In addition, this feature automatically cuts off residual fixing heat when no print jobs are taking place, further contributing to energy savings.

Konica Minolta operates its original Green Factory Certification System for the comprehensive evaluation of the environmental activities at its production sites. The system aims to reduce waste, CO2 emissions and reducing chemical substances at each production site.

Through this initiative, we also work with suppliers to help reduce their environmental impact.

Environmental, social and governance (ESG)

Using an ESG framework to address the challenges of an evolving world

The world is facing an array of environmental and social challenges owing to dramatic changes that are taking place in the environment and human society. Solving these challenges depends on everyone getting involved: governments, businesses, NGOs and all of us who call planet Earth home. Key challenges to be addressed include the following.