Optimised Print Services with Print Management Solution - Thailand University

Optimised Print Services with Print Management Solution - Thailand University

Optimised Print Services with Print Management Solution - Thailand University

The Company

A vibrant leading private university in Bangkok, Thailand, has grown its establishment to four campuses since its inception 1987.

With globalisation, changing demographics and technological advancements, the use of Information Technology (IT) in teaching and learning strategies as well as in campus office functions has been proliferating. In addition, a huge flux interest in ICT and media related courses and the needs for cutting edge credit management have undermined their prestige status as their current technology did not have the capacity to deliver these needs. In this respect, the institution steering committee has an incumbent plan to be one of the leading institution to harness the capability of IT to facilitate connectivity, interaction and collaboration, in a campus wide approach.

With the strategic directives and timely review to explore a sustainable cost effective print solution, the institution approached Konica Minolta for expertise advice.


Every faculty managed their own financial credit system owing to its different credit limitation. Thus, technical and administrative support from managing, assigning to printing credit for each faculty had been proven to be a challenging task for the IT Support Team, thus leading to inefficient administrative processes. The team had cited that the current software programme could not be further enhanced to support different workflows and the technology used would be gradually phased out in the market, as a result, future technical support will be very costly to them.

The client wanted an immediate solution, an alternative secure software management to its current ones, which can perform job collaboration, centralised print function and fast delivery.

Solutions & Results

Solutions & Results
Konica Minolta offers Optimised Print Services (OPS) with Print Management Solution to track and allocate print costs, eliminate print waste and reduce printing costs in the most effective way. It provides management to customise a multi-level billing coding function, which enable accounts and reports generation.

Each user or cost centre will be assigned with a unique billing code for easy reference. It has a payment systems and centralised management, which can help to manage all MFPs and setting, especially from centralised printing credit. The system has the configuration capability to assign print credit to different faculty users with our installed billing project function. With this seamless process approach, the institution users are able to manage and control their printing credit at their workstations. After demonstration, our client was satisfied with the new frontier software which they found it compatible to their needs and succumbed with non-complex procedure, ability to deliver IT solution within the stipulated time frame.