AccurioPress C14000 - Success Made Possible with Gundaling

AccurioPress C14000 - Success Made Possible with Gundaling

AccurioPress C14000 - Success Made Possible with Gundaling

Success Made Possible with Gundaling

About Belinken Gundaling Digital Printing

Belinken Gundaling Digital Printing known as Gundaling is an Indonesia-based printing business started by Mr Agustinus Arapen Ginting in 1993. This initial one Minolta mono copier machine setup has grown to three digital printing stores operated by over 100 employees. With increased competition in the district copy centres – Jalan Baru and Gunung Batu Bogor where two of the stores are based, Gundaling has had to adapt by developing highly efficient printing practices to remain competitive.


To keep up with customer demands and expectations

To continue offering range of popular printing services for a diverse customer base



Increased local competition with high quality print service

Shrinking profit margins due to lower market pricing

Konica Minolta Solutions

Konica Minolta Solutions
AccurioPress C14000 with Intelligent Quality Optimizer IQ-501

AccurioPress C6100

AccurioPress C6085

Benefits and Results

Benefits and Results
60% increase in print volume with dynamic print solutions

Optimised print efficiency

High quality products

Driving Factors of Print Transformation

Gundaling targets a wide consumer base with their printing business; walk-in customers, SMEs, and government are only a few of the customers that the business interacts with. The diverse clientele means Gundaling has to be on the pulse of consumer demands and expectations. A3+ printing dominates production, but other services which include printing banners, stickers/labels, books, brochures, and posters remain popular.

Local Market Competitiveness

The increased local competition with high quality services means the selling prices have become lower, forcing profit margins to shrink. Gundling shares that, “Competitors are trying to provide lower prices to attract customers. With the existing competitive conditions, the profit margin is becoming smaller.” Rather than trying to out-price local competition, Gundaling opted for an efficient and quality-based approach.

Delivering consistently great customer service, high print quality and competitive pricing are important commitments Gundaling adheres to. To step up the game, Gundaling has recently invested in Konica Minolta’s high-speed printing AccurioPress C14000. They are also currently adding a fourth machine in the precinct.

The Journey Towards Better Print Solutions

Gundaling have installed five Konica Minolta digital presses which consist of 3-unit of AccurioPress C14000 with Intelligent Quality Optimizer IQ-501 to check and correct printed outputs automatically, 1-unit of AccurioPress C6085, and 1-unit of AccurioPress C6100. They began to use Konica Minolta machines after receiving a large job from an NGO in Lombok, “it was 1,800,000 pages within 2 weeks.” The company decided to trial the AccurioPress C14000 as it was capable of fulfilling the brief requirements: high speed, good print quality and equipped with IQ501 for auto registration and auto adjustment.

Konica Minolta’s AccurioPress C14000 with IQ501 option was fully sufficient to meet printing expectations, with the capacity to print non-stop 16 hours a day (8 hours for operator breaks) and print 1,800,000 in just 2 weeks. Once Gundaling saw the results of the AccurioPress C14000, they were convinced, and began to integrate Konica Minolta production presses into their business.

Profitable Results From Konica Minolta Technologies Integration

The Indonesian printing business has seen huge benefits from the integration of Konica Minolta technologies. They report that prior to the acquisition, the average print volume was around: 150,000 pages per month from one machine. The AccurioPress C14000 increased the print volume to 200,000 – 250,000 pages per month and even reached 1,000,000 pages per month from one machine during the peak season.

“Overall, the investment of Konica Minolta’s AccurioPress C14000 machine has increased the print volume by 60% compared to before owning it,” Gundaling reports. But the benefits aren’t limited to increased productivity; Gundaling shares that they have benefitted from after-hours support, access to knowledgeable technicians, back up toners, and fast-moving spare parts.

Konica Minolta offers dynamic print solutions, radiant colour printing, high quality products, and optimised print efficiency across their range of digital production printing systems. Gundaling is highly satisfied with the support they have received from Konica Minolta and look forward to expanding their range of print presses to the benefit of their business.